Jul 29, 2012

How To Cleanse Your Heart and Arteries


Would you like some fries with that?  How about a super-size?  Two common questions you will hear endlessly wherever fast food or greasy food is served.  Yes!  I would love a heart attack!  While you're at it make it a double!  So my question to you is....do you know what hydrogenated oil even is and why it's so bad for your heart and overall health?

What it is...and why it's bad (naughty, naughty):
Vegetable oils are hydrogenated in order to create a solid or semi-solid state.  So let's think about that for a minute.....a solid oil entering your body and going to your blood.  Well, it's trying to move it's way through your blood system, but the problem is, it's a SOLID and not easy to break down, therefore plaque builds up and eventually your channels will close up shop. 

Why are they on the shelf?  Because they are cheaper to make and have a longer shelf life, which makes them very desirable to the food industry.  They are found in almost ANYTHING!  Peanut butter, frosting, cakes, cookies, chips, coffee creamers, margarine, shortening, candy bars, donuts, tortillas, dips, bread,  and those lovely Girl's Scout Cookies....just to name a few.  Check your labels out...it's pretty interesting.

So, how do you get your body, namely your heart and arteries, rid of this junk???  Well, number one, CUT BACK on the above-mentioned items AND limit your restaurant outings, especially fast food and red meat.  After you do that, then you need to start focusing on specific nutrients, such as lecithin, vitamins E and C, and niacin, (IN WHOLE FOOD FORM) to reduce cholesterol and saturated fats.  Below is a list of foods to buy and vitamins associated with them.  These findings are based on the book, Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford.

Lecithin - legumes, especially soybeans (whole soybeans, not processed) and mung beans, but nearly all beans, peas and lentils are beneficial.

Vitamins C - sprouts, cabbage, parsley, bell peppers and citrus....especially the heart of the cabbage, white of the pepper and white of the citrus. 

Vitamin E and Niacin - unprocessed whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth and oats as well as other whole grains.  The white bread that says, "made with whole grains", or any bread and cereal with this statement for that matter, does not count.  It kills me how consumers buy sugary cereals like Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch and think it's healthy because it says "made with whole grains". 

Here's to a happy, healthy heart and more years on your plate!  Cheers!!

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